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Thursday, August 26, 2004

W Endorsed by God

Another Bush Halo!

The faithful already know it, and now we've got even more proof of it! God Almighty wants Our Leader as Emperor. Those callous liars over at DCCC made a sacrilegious mockery of all we hold dear. Well, Our Team has some people who can do that too!

This short Internet flash movie shows what to expect next week at the Coronation. Expect Jerry Fallwell to pull everyone into the big party tent, even if certain Lincoln Log Lovers get in a snit over having their unity planks waxed. Our only concern is the deliberate "softening" of The Regent's little soldier in the wake of his treasonous comments.

David Catania, Republican Councilman from Washington D.C. (that sounds like another contradiction; see Fundamentalists for Chomsky) withdrew his so-called support for Our Leader after the Unity Plank was reduced to useful sawdust.

Catania compared walking the Unity Plank to "putting lipstick on a pig." He then condemned the big tent party:

"The big tent is a big lie. In the last four years, we have a record from this party and this president. No big tent, no uniter and no compassionate conservative."

Catania is a documented turncoat. He was a Bush delegate at the Republican National Convention in 2000. Despite being allowed to enter the same convention hall as the married heterosexuals, this year he refused to attend the Coronation in Blue York City. Selected as a vassal in February, the District's Republican Committee Chair, Betsy Werronen, ousted him for his treasonous refusal to pledge fealty to Our Leader. In a further example of spite typical of his ilk, Catania stated he would not even attend as a guest, assuming any of the delegates would be so foolish as to invite him. More of Catania's insolence:

"I don't want to be critical of people who are working for constructive change. But the party is unwilling to accept our rights. They are willing to take our money. They won't do anything to help our cause."

Also missing from the Coronation is another troublemaker: Rep. Jim Kolbe, R-AZ. In 2000, Kolbe was a featured speaker at the Republican Convention. Mary Matalin, former speechwriter, took on an extremely dangerous duty as a liaison (ew, that sounds French) to homosexuals there. There is no need for this unnecessary function at the Coronation, as sodomites are no longer welcome in the big tent.

Our Leader will be taking appropriate action against the miscreants of Arizona. Three other representatives refuse to pledge fealty: Renzi, Hayworth and Franks.

Patrick Guerriero, Warrior of the Log CabinUpdate: Rep. Mary Bono, R-CA is also refusing to bend the knee. (via Americablog)Log Cabin, Mmmm.

Oooh, speaking of those good ol' Log Cabin RINOs, take a gander at the Captain of the Logs. Despite his association with known subversive wafflers such as that dangerous Catania fellow, I do believe he's quite dreamy looking. And his official bio doesn't mention a wife or even a live-in girlfriend. Think he's available?

Update #2: More lipstick from Christopher Barron, another member of the Lincoln Log Brigade. Barron's undies are in a bunch due to the negotiated platform opposing not only sodomite marriage but sodomite shack-ups as well. What is amazing is how Our Leader's ministers were able to do so without ever using the word "homosexual."

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