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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Atlas' intervention

Pamala Atlas Shrugs

Dear Mrs. Shrugs,

I'm worried about you. On Tuesday morning, you made a long list of Klinton's crimes. You accused him of everything from squelching an investigation into Tim "Abdul" McVeigh's mus-com connections to peddling nukes to the chi-com army. Sure, it was an incomplete list--you left out the 857 citizens of Mena, Arkansas he murdered using nothing more than a pointed stick and a Yellowstone National Monument commemorative spoon, and you failed to include his greatest crime of all, the one for which we impeached him, putting his little soldier into a lady's mouth--but the unbridled anger with which you wrote it more than made up for its shortcomings.

But just a few hours later, you posted a photo of yourself dressed in your best sheep skin dress, looking as if you are about to throw this same man down and ride him like Jeff Gannon at a Project for the New American Century Christmas party. You go on to describe him in the accompanying text as being "quite the charmer" and very "likable."

What happened? How could you go from saying "[K]linton should be in jail for treason" to "[h]e was likable" in less than a day? I mean, you're the same person who just a few days ago, interrupted George Galloway's speech by screaming "I AM A ZIONIST."

Were you drinking? If so, perhaps you should consider quitting. This wouldn't be the first time it's caused you to do something you later regretted.

Your readers care about you. The Little Green Footballers care about you. It hurts us when you call Klinton "likable" and "charming." Please get help. We need you out there making the case for a final solution to the problem of the brown people.

Heterosexually* yours,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot

*I'm not hitting on you. It's just very important to me that people understand that I'm heterosexual. Really, I am. Don't believe a God damned word Cleetus says. He's a damned liar.

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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.