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Saturday, October 22, 2005

Reviewing Gibson's "War on Christmas"

My Amazon review of John Gibson's latest book is up (Don't forget to rate it):

Gibson only reports a small part of the story, October 22, 2005
Reviewer: Gen. JC Christian, patriot (Tremonton, UT United States) - See all my reviews

Although I'm supportive of Gibson's efforts to defend Christmas against the forces of pagan idolatry, I was very disappointed with his failure to examine the war's beginnings. For instance, he ignores the problem of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer completely.

In was a sad day in 1939 when Rudolph made his debut and began pushing aside the more traditional, God-fearing reindeer. Today, if Donner, Blitzen and the rest are mentioned at all it is as Rudolph's persecutors, the bullies who barred him from playing reindeer games.

While many would rise to defend Rudolph by ascribing his popularity to the love Americans have for the underdog, I think there is something more sinister at work here, the siren call of homosexuality.

Think about it. Rudolph is a "flashy" reindeer, a flamboyant reindeer. His fabulously bright red nose flouts the conventions of traditional reindeer notions of propriety, more so than even Prancer's beaded buck-purse. Rudolph obviously uses it to seduce young, inexperienced bucks in the hopes of rutting them raw.

Yes, the story of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer was the first shot in the culture wars. It's a shame that Gibson failed to include it in his book.

Update: Lee Eric Ranieri writes about something else Gibson missed:

Gibson is a true Field Marhsall for Baby Jesus, October 20, 2005
Reviewer: Lee Eric Ranieri (Baltimore, MD) - See all my reviews

At first I thought this book was going to be another tired re-hash of the same old problems we've known about for years, with secular liberal satanists trying to keep the United States government (best. government. EVAR.) from making Christmas the one official and true holiday.

Man was I surprised! These LIEberals (get it??) aren't just looking to keep the government out of the religion business, they are -literally waging war on Christmas.- Gibson describes in shocking detail the Battle of Knoxville, where a batallion of mechanized liberal infantry stormed the churches on Christmas Eve and slaughtered anyone celebrating the mass. Or the Storming of the Beaches at Houston, when secular humanist frogmen, behind a wheezing Ted Kennedy, destroyed a group of carolers and stuck their heads on pikes on the highways leading into town, as a warning to any other Christians who were thinking about baking tree cookies or giving presents to their children. Or the Coup of Duluth, where the Democratic Elite Guard overthrew the City Council and immediately issued a fiat banning nativities, and made the hanging of colored lights punishable by summary execution.

THIS BOOK IS A WAKEUP CALL. Thank you, John Gibson. May these demonic forces all enjoy "five to the noggin" before the last remaining Christian is rounded up and sent to their re-education centers (public schools).

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