The Confederate Wankee
Dear Mr. Owens,

The French-loving scum of the francosphere will no longer dare call you a cowardly, sadistic lunatic with a God complex and a sonderkommando's morality. Instead, they'll cower before your God-like authority to act as a one-man judge, jury, torturer, and executioner, fearing to commit any act that might bring down your murderous wrath.
And you will enjoy their fear. You will savor it, just as you'll savor every second between the time you pull the publishing trigger and Hussein's headless, mutilated body is discovered on an anonymous street corner in Baghdad.
Because that's the kind of man you are.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
Elsewhere: More about Hussein.
A helmet tip to Sadly, No!
Update: The Confederate Wankee responds in my comments after he courageously shuts down his own.
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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.