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Sunday, May 09, 2004

McNamara vindicated

For many years, our military effectiveness has been hobbled by the belief that politicians were responsible for losing the war in Vietnam. "If only the politicians had allowed real soldiers to run the war," the common wisdom went, "we'd have been victorious."

Thankfully, Vietnam veterans groups like John O'Neill's Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and Ted Sampley's Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry are working hard to change that perception by loyally supporting Our Leader's war policy in Iraq, a war waged by politicians every bit as much as was the war in Vietnam. These vets understand that the Brooks Brothers warriors of the Vietnam era received a bad rap. O'Neill, Sampley, and company are not about to let it happen again to today's McNamara, Donald Rumsfeld or our current LBJ, George W. Bush.

Sure, there are those who still grumble about politicians who play at being generals, but as Colin Powell so quickly learned, pledges of "never again" can easily become "at Our Leader's command." Generals, like secretaries of state serve at the pleasure of the executive. They'll either follow orders or be gone. So far, that's been enough to keep them in line.

I salute O'Neill and Sampley for having the guts to continue supporting civilian generals for all these years, and I'm sure that they feel that their loyalty is vindicated every time they pick up a newspaper and see all that Our Leader is accomplishing in Iraq.

Note from The General: Parts of this post were also posted to the Swift Boat Veteran's for Truth bulletin board. Responding to it will "bump" it to the top.

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