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Monday, September 06, 2004

Even more Meetups

I'm going to keep the full list here, so bookmark it if you're interested.

Be sure to check out the membership. Some very interesting people support Our Leader.

Lesbians Like Bush (Alena)
As you may know, lesbians like bush. If you're a lesbian that likes bush, show your support.

Drug Cartels for Bush in 2004 (Pete)
It's time to return the favor to our patron, George W. Bush. His tough drug war has greatly increased our profits, while eliminating the pesky low-level competition. We'll meet in the usual town - D.C., and don't forget a gift for the Speaker, too.

Bay Area Falangists for Bush (The CultureGhost)
Meet other local George W. Bush supporters to further the aims of the true corporate state.

Unborn Americans for Bush in 2004 (Tylertoo)
Join the future voters of America for an evening of praise and support for Dear Leader. The GOP strongly supports the role of American women as carriers of our unborn children. Meet other fertile ladies and their ova and support Dear Leader.

Please bring non-alcoholic refreshments and a permission note from a husband or male relative.

Alcoholics for Bush (Michigander)
Meet other alcoholics after the bars close and support our fellow drinker, Dubya.

Closeted Homosexual Republican Congressmen for Bush 2004 (Darren)
We just gotta protect the rear, you know?
(I invited a certain Congressman to speak to CHRCFB. I later realized that he was against the Homosexual Discrimination Amendment, so I didn't publish my email here. He doesn't deserve this fine group's support.)

My Meetup event. I want to do something for the main page, but I'm still locked out.

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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.