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Sunday, October 03, 2004

Historical fact

The General thanks Will Matthews for pointing me to the incredible historical work being done at American University by Josua Wu, a man with a French name, but an American heart. It's great to see that our universities our producing scholars like this.

Mr Wu writes in the American University Eagle:

The recent controversy surrounding CBS News documents related to President Bush's National Guard service demonstrated how the reliability and validity of documents must be examined before they are accepted as truth. In the same way, when considering Christianity, one must examine the reliability of the Bible, the foundation of the Christian faith. Upon careful review, one will find that the Bible is not only the most distributed, most translated and most unique religious text in the world, but it is one of the most verifiable and reliable documents in history, religious or otherwise.

...indeed, the Bible is unrivaled in its historical accuracy.

Personally, my favorite bit of biblical history is when Noah built a big boat and put every animal from earthworms to elephants on it. It must have been one heck of an engineering feat. After all, the boat was only 40 cubits bow to stern.

You can learn a lot of useful things from reading history. For instance, a few years after the Lord our God drowned nearly all of the world's children because he disliked their parents, he started a new round of righteous genocide by assisting the Hebrews in annihilating the Amorites and Midianites.

I think we could use a bit of his mighty wrath now in our ongoing war against brown people. Remember to mention it in your prayers.

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