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Sunday, January 23, 2005

More deep thoughts from the GOP Team Leader Blog

From the same thread cited in my previous post:

deovolente 1-23-2005 9:58:39 AM
Say what you will Professor Dumas III about WMD in Iraq. For your information the search is still on. Unbeknownst to most. Persoanlly, I believe they are still there tucked away.

How can homosexuals claim the rainbow? It was taken as a symbol long before they started staking claims to it. I say leave them alone because the decisions they have made concerning their lives will be an "accounting for" they will regret. Leave them to their self-serving, reprobate, and degenerate behavior. Don't let the "feel goodism" of today steal away the natural sense that was given to us.

Progressive liberalism uses every tactic in the book to sway Americans to their way of thinking. Thank God for President Bush! He recognizes nonsense when he sees or hears it. And so do most of us!

NancyGWBgo 1-23-2005 7:31:17 AM
Its not fair the homosexuals have taken over the rainbow. I belive we should have it because we know what a rainbow really stands for, not fornication but God's love for us regardless of what colors we might be, white, red, tan whatever. I am mad as a hornet to that the gay indoctirnators also stole SpongeBob. My children just love him, but now I can't allow them to watch!
But we don't even need new colors for ourselves, because we already are the only true Red White and Blue! (-:

dupperbob 1-22-2005 11:11:11 PM
I like Spongebob Squarepants but I don't like this message he is giving to kids. I don't like it when minorities of people try to change a fundamental foundation of civilization to please their own petty needs. I don't like this Constance behavior to change the structure of relationships (between men and GOD) they will never be a part of by their own choice.
I don't have a problem with gays so long as they don't try to enlist me or to have them entice my children to play a part in their choices. They decided not to vote for GW Bush, they decided to seek marriage instead of civil unions. They decided and so have I.

suzybry 1-22-2005 3:49:45 PM
Think abc national news is bad?.... trying living in Los Angeles and enduring all the local liberal stuff! There is no intelligent life - just a lot of wife swapping and protesting. We're LA transplants to Houston. Oh... so much better here. In any event, does anyone no of any anti-Hillary campaigns going on? If so, would like to join up early and get a front row seat.

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