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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Duty calls, Dr. Dobson

Dr. James Dobson
Focus on the Family

Dear Dr. Dobson,

It's been eighteen months since Our Leader announced the beginning of Operation Mission Accomplished. Over thirteen hundred sons, daughters, husbands, wives, fathers, and mothers have given their lives while serving Our Leader in carrying out these final mopping up activities. Now, the end is in sight.

We have Sec. Rumsfeld to thank for this. His planners made an assessment of what is driving the insurgency and decided that the Shi'i, Sunnis, Kurds, and Turkmen, who are actively engaged in what amounts to a civil war, would lose their will to fight if they saw photos of Saddam in his underwear. They put their plan into action last Friday. The results speak for themselves--as of Tuesday evening, only 21 American soldiers and a hundred or so Iraqi civilians have lost their lives since the photos were published.

Now, it's time to deliver the final blow. If we humiliate Saddam one more time, I think we can break the back of this insurgency. The question is how to do it. Until last night, I couldn't think of anything more humiliating to a deposed dictator than the knowledge that a billion people were laughing at a picture of him in his not-so-tighty-whities. That changed when I saw Dr. Sen. Bill Frist, MD speaking about the nuclear option compromise. At that moment, it occurred to me that being the guy who carries your water in Washington has to be the most humiliating experience life has to offer.

America needs you, Dr. Dobson. You can end this phase of the Eternal War to Resubjugate Brown People simply by hiring Saddam to assist Dr. Sen. Frist in pursuing your plans to build a Holy American Empire. Will you answer your nation's call?

Heterosexually yours,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot

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