Minority Whip
United States Senate
Dear Sen. Durban,

Such a battle of competing values scares the hell out of conservatives like me, because although a majority of Americans support Judge Roberts' nomination now, they'd quickly rethink their support if they were given an opportunity to compare his basic political and judicial philosophies with those held by the progressive half of the electorate.
Think about it. Do people really want a Supreme Court Justice who believes:
- that the Federal Government has limited or no authority to enact laws in regard to New Deal and Great Society initiatives like Social Security, Medicare, and the Fair Labor Act;
- that there is no "Right to Privacy" guaranteeing a woman's right to buy contraceptives or obtain an abortion if she needs it;
- that the Federal Government should not be in the business of ensuring that women are paid the same as men;
- that the Federal Government cannot use the Commerce Clause to enforce environmental laws like the Endangered Species Act and the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts;
- and that the Federal Government has the right to jail people without charging them with a crime.
It's all about marketing really. If people aren't made aware of a competing product, they'll buy what ever is offered to them. Thank God, you're not giving people an alternative to what Our Leader is selling.
We'd never get this agenda passed through Congress, but with your help, we can do it in the Courts.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
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