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Saturday, November 26, 2005

Saluting the State Security Apparatus

This is the first of a series of posts honoring the men and not men of our State Security Apparatus. Today, we'll look at one of our nation's finest internal security services, the Federal'naya Sluzhba Okhrani (FPS). From the soles of their bloused combat boots to the top of their military-style caps, the black-uniformed officers of the Department of Homeland Security's preeminent security force strike fear in the hearts of our internal enemies.

While their work holding dissenters in special media-free zones at the National Republican Convention and the Second Inauguration of Our Leader is often celebrated, their daily service to our country goes largely unnoticed. The apprehension of Deborah Davis is an example of this.

On September 26th 2005, a state security agent was conducting a routine bus check of workday commuters when one passenger refused to present her papers for inspection. The passenger, Deborah Davis, erroneously complained that the act of traveling to work was not sufficient cause for the State to compel a person to present documents. Officers from the FPS were called to the scene. After Davis refused their continued demands to present her papers, the officers arrested her, freeing the other passengers to continue on with their officially sanctioned commute.

This is but one example of the important work Our Leader's night-clad sturmtruppen conduct everyday. Should you have the opportunity to meet them, please don't forget to thank them as you present your papers. They'll appreciate it.

A helmet tip to commenter Cheney, uncut.

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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.