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Sunday, December 18, 2005

War on Christmas Canteen #1

While the General wholeheartedly supports both the Iraq Phase of the Eternal War to Resubjugate Brown People and the War Against Internal Dissent, I sometimes worry that these great conflicts distract us from another struggle of equal importance--the War on Christmas.

Sure, we do our part. We send Christmas newsletters to our friends. We erect nativity scenes in our yards, carefully replacing the brown wiseman, Balthazar, with Santa so that we don't encourage the celebration of Kwanzaa. But seldom do we do anything for those who are actually fighting the war, the thousands of men and not men who are taking the battle to school boards and shopping malls across this great land.

The Christmas War Canteen is for them.

From now until Christmas, we'll post a new Christmas hymn here each day to lift the spirits of these valiant yuletide warriors and to remind us what they're fighting for.

We'll post two versions of each hymn, a short one for those with dial-up connections and an extended version for the rest of us. Given, my limited storage space, the extended versions will be removed a few days after they're posted, so listen to them early.

Now, please allow me to present our first hymn, that tubercular honky tonk standard, Santa's Got That Ole TB.

Complete Song

Short Clip

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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.