Kiersten Hollars
Dear Ms. Hollars,

It isn't too late for you to turn things around. I'm thinking along the lines of a massive advertising campaign focusing on how Yahoo! works with state security services around the world to enhance their governments' security. Of course, you'd start out with China.
You could begin with a TV ad telling the story of how you turned over Shi Tao's email records to Chinese Intelligence so that they could jail him for distributing the governments "warning [to] journalists of the dangers of social destabilisation and risks resulting from the return of certain dissidents on the 15th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre." I'm sure that if you portray it as a security issue--like Our Leader is trying to do with domestic spying--you'll win the public over to your side.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, Patriot
Helmet tip to Bartholomew of Bartholowmew's Notes on Religion.
Note from my Inner Frenchman: I will no longer accept email originating from a Yahoo! account. If you want to email me, you'll need to use a different service.
Update: BooYahoo! has more.
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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.