United States Senate
Dear Sen. Cantwell,

I'd like to return the favor. It's a shame that your own uterus continues to be unclaimed by any man. We can't allow that--it's just too much responsibility. That's why I've decided to ease your burden by laying claim to it myself.
No need to worry about anything. Just give me a call if you want to use
Of course, you'll need to tattoo the words "Property of Gen. JC Christian, patriot" on your abdomen or wherever it is you keep those things. Be sure to leave room for another tattoo in case I decide to sell
Heterosexually* yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
*I'm not hitting on you. It's just very important to me that people know that I'm a heterosexual. Cletis is a god damned liar!
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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.