GOP Candidate for WA House of Representatives
Dear Mr. Boehme,

After a few minutes of frenzied yet very satisfying reflection on those words, I decided to check out your campaign site to see if you were worthy of my support. I wasn't disappointed. You seemed to hit all of the right themes: America is a Christian nation; homosexuals are destroying our nation; divorce is evil; we're at war with both Islam and secularism; Washington State needs a good NASCAR track; etc.
But I wonder if your message couldn't be tightened up a little bit by combining some of your issues. Take your plans for a NASCAR track for instance. How would your base react if you said we needed a NASCAR track so we'd have a place where the saved could chase down homosexuals, divorcees, and secularists in high-performance cars and apply a little of God's retribution and rubber to their sinful, non-Christian asses? I think it'd motivate them to get out on election day, don't you?
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.