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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Fox may aid terrorists, but by gawd, they support John Bolton

Pamela, Pleasurer of the Recessed Appointee
Atlas Shrugs

Dear Pamela,

I want to thank you for not abandoning Fox News during their time of need. By refusing to write about their problems, you're sending an important message about priorities to your readers. You're telling them that Fox News' $2M contribution to Islamic terrorist organizations isn't important. Our real enemies are the dhimmicrats of the "Hate America Party" who oppose John Bolton's nomination. They're the ones who deserve our scorn.

It's really a rather straightforward calculation. On the one hand you have Fox providing enough money to equip over 13,300 suicide bombers, and on the other you have the Demoslamunistofascists working to prevent the possibility that John Bolton will someday spring from his seat at the Security Council and kill the Ambassador from France by tearing open the Ambassador's jugular vein using nothing more than his teeth. Entertainment like that doesn't come cheap. We can and should ignore Fox's financial support of terrorism for as long as they continue to sing songs of praise for Mr. Bolton.

And heck, if what Fox did was really all that bad, Our Leader would disappear Roger Ailes, just like he disappears those terrorist bastards who send donations to Islamic humanitarian organizations.

So please keep on lovingly quoting Fox; please continue to list Blogs for Fox in two places on your blogrolls,; and please keep calling Brian Kilmeade, "my favorite FOX friend." They need your continued support.

Heterosexually yours (in a biblically approved kind of way),

Gen. JC Christian, patriot

p.s. I just realized that some might think that the title I've given you, "Pleasurer of the Recessed Appointee" might have a sexual connotation. That is not the case. Obviously, your writing skills provide Mr. Bolton with pleasure. Otherwise, given your small readership, a busy man like Bolton wouldn't have allowed you to interview him.

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