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Friday, December 01, 2006

Loving your neighbor

Our Savior's followers respond to the Bastard Fairies video I linked to earlier:

solidnem (1 day ago)
Those parents should be shot in the face for teaching this little idiot to speak out what she thinks is a natural cause of human misery, violence in religion? That may be true, but the last thing this god forsaken earth needs is another emo driven kid growing up to build a concentration camp

CaptainGhrei (4 weeks ago)
She's doomed to destruction unless she can get away! 8 yrs old? Insulting people? cursing? taking the Lord's name in vain? I feel sorry for this child! I just pray she can get away from the monsters who are raising her and soon! Or it will be too late for her.

hairdye (3 weeks ago)
That little girl needs to be slapped on the mouth.

kungfujesus (3 weeks ago)
The teachings of christ are peaceful. BUT HE CAN KICK OUR ASS.

kingofallhacks (3 weeks ago)
Shut the F#%K up, you liitle brat.

BuddyGz (3 weeks ago)
The parents should be beaten.

hairdye (3 weeks ago)
She probably doesn't have parents. That's why she's become a little tramp.

haterdrinkinhaterade (2 weeks ago)
She dresses like one of those emo kids who are known for being homosexuals, alcoholics, and drug addicts at an early age. Nice way to raise your kid loser.

haterdrinkinhaterade (2 weeks ago)
Those monitors behind her actually suck they are Behringers. Seems like that's a Mexican family who made it big selling watermelons on the street corner or something so they turn to "creative expressionism" via hatred towards religion, pathetic 'unique' clothing (like the little girls), and he probably creates hiphop on Reason and posts it on his myspace trying to get popular. Hahaha, what a Mexican loser.

TanzMan6 (3 days ago)
This little chink should shut the fuck up. We should have killed her parents in Viet Nam when we had the fucking chance.

Burn the bitch.

Update: You can leave a comment for the last guy, TanzMan6, here.

Update on the update: It looks like that page has been pulled down, but here's another.

Update on the update on the update: A new place to leave comments for Tanzman6.

Here's the video again:

Update: Here's the trailer for the Bastard Fairies' documentary, The Canary Effect.

Update from my inner Frenchman:

I can't believe the responses I'm getting from people. You'd think that this kid was reciting Mein Kampf while torturing a kitten the way folks are responding. Let me respond to a few themes I'm seeing.

The kid is being coached.

Of course she is. It's called acting. Do you get this upset about Dakota Fanning?

It's wrong for parents to indoctrinate their children like this.

All parents indoctrinate their children. It's called "passing on values." I was indoctrinated into Mormonism. My wife and I indoctrinated our kids with a liberal world view. Mrs. patriotboy also added a good dose of Judaism. My grandson is being indoctrinated in much the same way. Earlier tonight, his mother explained to him that Jesus wasn't real. It made Mrs. patriotboy and me very happy to see our values being passed on to another generation. That's our legacy.

She cussed a lot.

She said "God damned" and "ass" once each. Nothing more. In my culture, that would be acceptable if you explained to the child that there is a time and place for such language. It's appropriate if the script calls for it in a video, but isn't in everyday life. The kid's parents may live in a culture where it's always appropriate. I don't know. In any event, I thought it added an emotional impact to the script that wouldn't have been there otherwise.

The kid was dressed in a sexually provocative manner.

I don't get this at all. Look at this picture.

She's wearing a top that nobody would give a second thought to if they saw a little girl wearing it in a store or at a birthday party. Go anywhere on a summer day, and most little girls will be wearing something similar.

My guess is that it isn't the top that has people bothered, it's the scarf, the leopard print arm things, or the flower in her hair.

Get a grip. Little girls love playing dress up. If you're excited by leopard print sleeves on a little girl, you need help.

Her parents are teaching her to be intolerant.

Is tolerance of stupid and harmful beliefs really a virtue? I don't think so. I didn't receive any negative feedback when I wrote about Rev. Moon's sacred sex hankies. Why is that?

The little girl was too hard on Christians.

I'm assuming that she's Yellow Thunder Woman's daughter. That would mean that her grandfather was Greg Zephier, an American Indian Movement Leader. Read In the Spirit of Crazy Horse, Agents of Repression: The FBI's Secret Wars Against the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement, and The COINTELPRO Papers: Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against Dissent in the United States and then tell me if this family should have any respect for America's dominant culture.

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