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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Jon Tester's powerful mojo

Representative Sen. Ed Butcher
Montana House of Representatives

Dear Rep. Sen. Butcher,

The last few years ain't been easy for you. It must have hurt bad when you lost your state senate seat to Jon Tester after redistricting, so bad, you still wear a name badge that says "Representative Sen. Ed Butcher." Most people would have probably chosen to move on after four years, but not you. Have you ever wondered why that is? I mean it's more than a little obsessive, don't you think? Heck, it's down right unnatural.

As you know, Tester is an organic farmer, and that basically translates into hippy--that crew cut doesn't fool anybody. Have you considered the possibility that Jon Tester might have cursed you with some of his organic farmer hippy mojo. It'd explain all of the problems you've had Indians. Hippies love Indians.

Think about it. Don't you think people overreacted a bit on Thursday when you referred to Rep. Jonathan Windy Boy as "Chief Windy Boy" and asked him if his gavel was a war club? I can't figure out why people got so upset about it. It was just a bit of your basic Republican humor. Obviously, Tester's mojo was to blame.

The same holds true for that time a couple of years ago when you said that Indians are "unwilling or incapable of working like normal outside people" and that they just want to collect welfare. Again, there's nothing in those statements that should anger anyone. People cheer when they hear that kind of stuff at GOP conventions.

I don't think there's anything you can do to break Tester's spell--that organic farmer hippy mojo is way too strong. Your best bet is to do something to work up a little sympathy for yourself. I'd suggest pounding your face with Rep. Windy Boy's gavel until you knock yourself out. I bet the people of Montana would love you for it.

Heterosexually yours,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot

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