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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Ya Gotta Have Faith

Arguments about atheism and evolution taken word for word from godly forums.


  1. I thought I may have to invoke Poe's law, but I'm glad I didn't have to. Very funny!

  2. General, Sir:

    Well, I, umm, is "batshit crazy" communicable?

    I loved "...three words, "evolution is a lie!"

  3. That convinced me. Such masterful arguments, compelling evidence, how could I ever have doubted?

  4. Well, now we have a biblical definition for "3". Where will the madness end?

  5. I'll pray for you.

  6. Best April Fool's joke yet!

  7. Such entertaining young scamps.

  8. I wonder why the General chose a George Michael song for the title of that post. Now I'm having flashbacks and I can't get that song out of my head. I thought that demon was driven from me years ago, and now look at me, I'm a nervous wreck, my hands are shaking, I need a shave and my collar is popped! Somebody stop me before I head down to the truck stop!

  9. The dude in the fucked up hat needs a new hat. That hat was freaking me the fuck out.

  10. This video is kind of like Waiting for Godot as written by the winner of the Congenital Oaf Playwright Contest. btw: Second prize went to a cup of tepid spit.


  11. I liked the part where the guy described the atheist world the best.

  12. Anonymous10:21 PM

    This was so weird! At first, I thought it was satire. Then, towards the end, I thought it might be real. Then, I realized it was a little of both. People who believe that stuff put me on their email list and won't take my name off. I get emails with that mindset all the time. :(

  13. PLMercer: Me too. My parents are atheist, and that's exactly how my childhood went.

  14. I gotta go fuck a hooker now.


We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.