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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Welcome Stormfront's Reading Assistants

I want to welcome the people who are reading my blog out loud to the visitors from Stormfront so they can experience my work.

Here are a few photos and videos they can look at.


  1. You are a true patriot General! We are showing the rebels to our national pride that their terrorism is no longer tolerated!

  2. For the record, we made the flag in the top pic. We weren't gonna burn no commie made, cheap piece of crap.

    Then we burned it with a blow torch. Made and incinerated in the USA!

  3. Wonder what SkoalRebel’s up to tonight?

  4. i hope that hippies hair don't catch fire

  5. Anonymous11:34 PM

    I love when conservatives complain about "hippie hair." It's like hearing someone calling a woman wearing pants a "bloomer."'s 2010. Nobody cares about long hair anymore. The 1960's are <-------- that-a-way.

  6. To make a batch of Confederate Smores you'll need:

    One or more confederate flags to be placed in fire pit ring-a-ding-thing

    One or more bags of marshmallows

    A package or two of Hershey's chocolate bars

    One box of Huckleberry Graham Crackers purchased at a reputable store, i.e. Wal-Mart, Winn Dixie, Plaid Pantry, Circle K, 7-11, et al...




  7. P.S. Shout-out to Blind Faithiness for his comments on the above-linkyed YouTube.

  8. Dear General, For next year can we plan an International Burn Newt Gingrich Day?

  9. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I'm sorry, General, I just had to come back for a couple of comments. I know I promised, but I just had to do it. I mean, is that all? Where was all the fanfare, the racist attacks, the Fox News coverage? (I even emailed Fox and asked them to cover it. I guess they didn't take me seriously.) I was kinda let down. It was definitely anti-climatic. I was hoping some big ole Bubba Redneck would stomp a mudhole in one of your faithful's rear-ends. I am really disappointed. I was expecting more. Please try harder next time. I suggest you find out where the next Klan rally is being held in your area and Flick your Bic on a Bonnie Blue amongst the robed Wizards and Poopahs. Oh, and don't forget to notify your local news media. They would love to to get footage of one of them spiked flag poles disappearing up where the sun don't shine.
    Your Friend
    Sir Donald.

  10. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Oh, and by the way, those were some mighty cheap looking Confederate Flags y'all were burning. They didn't even look real in them videos y'all took. It actually looked like y'all made them yourselves.
    Thanks for the entertainment.
    Your real good friend.
    Sir Donald

  11. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Say hi to democommie for me. Hope his blood pressure is back down.
    Sir Donald

  12. Anonymous2:06 PM

    I almost forgot. You guys did make some headlines. Check out The Southern Legal Resource Center Update for September, second page. Actually the reporter was far less impressed with your flag burning thing than I was. If I may quote from his article, "As is characteristic of many amateur humorists, the Good General apparently didn't care that his satire was a bit fuzzy- he managed to cram Confederate heritage, the TEA party platform and racism into a single muddled object of his sophmoric jeering". Ooh, that stung!. If you want to read the article in it's entirety go to y'all copy and paste yet?) Hope to hear from y'all soon
    Your Humble Servant,
    Sir Donald

  13. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Sorry for all the "y'alls" I'm trying to teach y'all how to talk right.
    Sir Donald

  14. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I had better stop now YOU GUYS,(that better)I know democommie is about to blow a gasket. Hope he has some BP meds. Chill out demo, It is all in fun. Take time to laugh at yourself while you are laughing at me. I really enjoy the banter even if it gets a little rough sometimes.
    Your most humble servant and Proud Confederate.
    Sir Donald

  15. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Are you guys still thinking about what to say or you just ignoring me? "Qui tacet consentit". Come on, friends, "Carpe Diem!!". Break this old Drill Sergeant's heart!

  16. Anonymous7:36 AM

    "I took a partially burned flag to a local event. Had a few comments from about a dozen or so people who I assume were from southern Washington (I suppose the War of Northern Aggression has forever psychically scarred the proud southerners of Walla Walla). No problems--the police decided to stay close to me." (Quote from the gentleman burning the cheap flag.)
    At least he got the name of the war right. However,he misinterpreted the "police decided to stay close to me"; either they thought he was kinda cute or they wanted to witness a big ole Bubba Redneck stomp a mudhole in his backside. WAKE UP GUYS!!! Southerners are no more racist that Northerners. Liberals are no more racist than Conservatives. Hate is hate, period, whether it be hate for blacks, latinos, northerners, southerners, Confederates or west coast tree-huggers, etc & etc. If you are gonna be predjudice, at least know your topic. From all the posts, your friends seem to hate everything. And that, my friends, is a shame.
    Mr. Canukko, you might be the only honorable man in the outfit. You speak truth. But you are mistaken on one point. Southerners do not want another "war". That is ludicrous. We, like you, believe in rights for EVERYONE.That is what we stand for. My Confederate Flag is unjustly marked as racist because of a few bigoted white trash that use it for their sick cause. Damn them!
    Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your blog. God Bless you All.
    Sir Donald


We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.