Confederate States of America
Claim of Right of Confederate Citizenship for the Sovereign States or Territory
I the undersigned, being of sound mind and clear judgment, do hereby declare the following:
Whereas the State of______________________ upon the will and desires of its citizens officially seceded from the United States of America; and...
Whereas the above mentioned State, upon the will and desires of the citizens of that State, adopted a Constitution that was legally in force; and...
Whereas the above mentioned State, upon the will and desires of the citizens of that State, joined the Confederate States of America; and...
Whereas the Confederate States of America was invaded and attacked by the United States of America; and...
Whereas the United States of America militarily conquered the Confederate States; and...
Whereas the government of the Confederate States of America never surrendered; and...
Whereas the rightful representatives of the People of the Confederate States were exiled, captured, imprisoned, or otherwise forced against their will to abandon their offices, and...
Whereas the rightful representatives of the People of the Confederate States have subsequently died; and...
Whereas the United States government disenfranchised the People of the Confederate States; and...
Whereas the United States of America, under the use of military force and threat, removed the De Jure Government of the above mentioned State, replacing it with a De Facto puppet Government under the control of the United States of America; and...
Whereas the United States of America, under the use of military force and threat, replaced the De Jure Constitution of the above mentioned State, and replaced it with one designed under the approval of the United States of America, against the will of the people; and...
Whereas the People of the Confederate States were subjugated to the will of the United States government; and...
Whereas the People of the Confederate States were conscripted as presumed citizens of the United States; and...
Whereas the Confederate States of America, and the above mentioned State remain to this day under occupation by the De Facto State Government instituted by the United States of America, and the Federal Government of the United States of America; and...
Whereas the Confederate States of America remain a nation under occupation by a foreign invading power, namely the United States of America, and...
Whereas no treaty or agreement has to date been reached between the United States of America and the lawful Government of either the above mentioned State, or the Confederate States of America.
Whereas the People of the Confederate States desire to be free, and seek remedy...
I hereby notify any and all concerned parties that I am a citizen of the above occupied State, and the Confederate States of America.
I participate in the above mentioned De Facto Governments, and obey their laws, under duress, and with protest, desiring a cease of occupation, and a return to the De Jure Constitutions and Governments of my State and the Confederate States of America respectively. My participation, past, present, or future, in the De Facto Governments mentioned above does not in any way validate, imply, or construe validation of the De Facto Governments as having any legal authority, nor does it, in any manner, provide acknowledgment of its right to exist in said State; nor does it obligate me to any contract or obligation to same.
I do not sanction or promote violence as a solution to this Claim of Right, preferring to find legal and Constitutional means to attain my just claim. I do not seek to overthrow or terminate the government of the United States of America; nor do I desire to conspire with those that do; however, I affirm that I hold all rights and privileges of my reclaimed Citizenship, including the right to reform the rightful De Jure Government of my State and the Confederate States of America for the purpose of ending the occupation of the United States of America, and living free in my Sovereign State and the Confederacy as a whole.
I further recognize the De Jure Constitution of my State as being the one in force prior to the military conquest and occupation by the United States of America; however, I acknowledge that Slavery is an abomination contrary with the Natural Rights of Man and must be abolished throughout the Confederacy. Any slave language contained in any law, decree, ordinance, order, or Constitution creating, promoting, or sustaining the institution of slavery is, in my opinion, and of right should be, rendered null and void. I believe firmly that No Slavery or involuntary servitude,
1. The Confederate States of America shall be an English speaking nation. While bilingual ability is admirable, it shall not be considered unreasonable to deny citizenship to those lacking reasonable English literacy.
2. A probationary period may be granted under and during a Citizenship application, on a case by case basis, for the completion of courses of instruction, necessary for assimilation of prospective Confederate States Citizens into our culture, customs and society. Such assimilation shall include, but not be limited to, a minimal knowledge of State and National Constitutional Government, the general history of the Confederacy including that of 1776 and 1861 and courses in English.
3. No individual being an illegal alien within the borders of any member State or Territory of the Confederate States of America may become a citizen thereof nor enjoy the rights and benefits of said citizenship or public welfare offered therein.
4. The minor children, off-spring or dependents of illegal aliens shall be deemed citizens of the same nation as that of their parent(s) and/or guardian even if they were born in a State of Territory of the Confederate States of America. They may not be illegally residing in the Territory of the Confederate States of America and be eligible to apply for citizenship.
5. No person not a Registered Citizen of the Confederate States of America (CSA), shall be allowed to vote for any officer, civil or political, Local, State or national in the Confederate States of America...
6. Confederate States Registered Citizenship shall be granted, without regard to race or gender to applicants who have obtained the age of 18 years. There shall be no special status, classification, privilege or grouping of any individual based upon race or religion, nor shall derogatory names be used as a descriptive substitute for proper names of racial groups.
7. No proof of ancestry, blood line or race is necessary for registered citizenship in the CSA.
8. We ask for a $10.00 Donation to cover mailing cost, but not mandatory. Make check or money order To: CSAM
Send To: Matthew W. Long 280 Tyson Rd. Pineville Missouri 64856
Name: _________________________Mail Address: ___________________ City: _____________________
County: ______________State: _______________Zip:_________ Email_________________________
Phone: _____________________
Cell Phone.__________________________ Donation $_____________
Applicant Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ________________
REGISTRAR NO: _______________ Registrar Signature:___________________________
It is the Right of anyone who was/is conscripted by the 14th amendment to the United States Constitution as citizens of the United States, who by right are citizens of the Confederate States of America; or those who were previously disenfranchised, or whose ancestors were disenfranchised from their lawful citizenship in the Confederate States of America to reaffirm their rightful legacy.
Those who were born in any of the Confederate States or Territories claimed by the Confederacy are entitled to reaffirm their citizenship in the said Confederate State or Territory; Furthermore, anyone born outside of the Confederacy who were born to parents eligible to reclaim/reaffirm their Confederate citizenship may also claim Confederate citizenship.
Anyone born outside of the Confederacy to parents born outside of the Confederacy may claim Confederate citizenship if they have legally resided in a Confederate State or Territory for at least one year; and at the time of claiming citizenship, legally reside within a Confederate State or Territory. Copy of Drivers or ID required.
Visit CSA-CSG at: http://confederatestatesmilitia.ning.com
Hmmmm. I don't know about number six. Will it rightfully force people to address true citizens as "sir" and "mam," or will we all be forced to call the unconfederately-hued, "colored?"
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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.