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Monday, March 01, 2004

Our past is our future

The Farmer, who posts on the French blog, corrente, points out that in 1929, good God-fearing American folks were saying essentially the same thing about social interaction between whites and Negroes as we're saying, today, about homosexuals who want to be treated like human beings. Of course, being French, he condemns the actions of both those good racialists back in 1929 and our modern day straight supremacists.

I disagree. We've seen what social intercourse between the races has brought us. Where we once were separate and happy, we are now forced to share the same restaurants, hotels, restrooms and water fountains. Where once, even the most ignorant and lazy white man could rest assured that he'd have a preferred place in our society, he now has to compete with Negroes who are more intelligent and ambitious. Where once, little black girls picked white dolls over black ones when asked which was prettier, they now consider Beyonce Knowles and Ashanti to be the epitome of beauty. Being white just isn't enough anymore.

If we don't act quickly to crush the homosexuals' dreams of equality. We'll lose our preferred place in society. We won't be able to flaunt the benefits of marriage to those who can't have it, and our children will not be able to hate without fear of reproach. Worse yet, without restrictions on marriage, society will have no institutionalized means of reminding homosexuals that the American dream is not for them.

Is this the society we want to pass on to our children? A society where people are judged on their character rather than their conduct in the bedroom. I think not.

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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.