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Sunday, May 02, 2004

On the sixth day, God created dinosaurs

The General was happy to see an article about Dinosaur Adventure Land in the God-hating New York Times. It shows that those fancy latte swilling bastards at the Gray Lady are finally starting to realize that they've lost the culture wars, or is that "the War Against Culture;" it's getting hard to keep all these wars straight.

Here's how the Times describes Dinosaur Adventure Land:

[a] creationist theme park and museum ... that beckons children to 'find out the truth about dinosaur'" with games that roll science and religion into one big funfest with the message that Genesis, not science, tells the real story of the creation.

Kent Hovind, the minister who opened the park in 2001, said his aim was to spread the message of creationism through a fixture of mainstream America--the theme park--instead of pleading its case at academic conferences and in courtrooms.

Mr. Hovind, a former public school science teacher with his own ministry, Creation Science Evangelism, and a hectic lecture schedule, said he had opened Dinosaur Adventure Land to counter all the science centers and natural history museums that explain the evolution of life with Darwinian theory. There are dinosaur bone replicas, with accompanying explanations that God made dinosaurs on Day 6 of the creation as described in Genesis, 6,000 years ago.

The park features a lot of hands-on activities designed to help kids learn about science:

...visitors can make their own Grand Canyon replica with sand and read a sign deriding textbooks for teaching that the Colorado River formed the canyon over millions of years: "This is clearly not possible. The top of the Grand Canyon is 4,000 feet higher than where the river enters the canyon! Rivers do not flow up hill!"


There are no mechanized rides at Dinosaur Adventure Land — no creationist-themed roller coasters, scramblers or even a ferris wheel — but instead, a simple discovery center and museum and about a dozen outdoor games, each of which has a "science lesson" and "spiritual lesson" posted nearby.


Take Jumpasaurus, which involves jumping on a trampoline while trying to throw a ball through a hoop as many times as possible in a minute. The science lesson: "You will use coordination in this game, which means you will be doing more than one thing at once." The spiritual lesson, according to Mr. Johnson: "You need to learn to be coordinated for Jesus Christ so you can get more things done for him."

Now, that's the kind of science learning that the General can understand. Hopefully, Our Leader will get these folks some of that No Child Left Behind money.

Update: Commenter Richard points out that Mr. Hovind divides his time between promoting creation science and hating Jews.

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