The Deputy Leader wouldn't have needed to retaliate if they had heeded the words of Godly men listed below and rebuked Mr. Kerry.
Oh [expletive deleted]! What the [expletive deleted] should I get for Wesley Clark and John Kerry? Of course, several bars of fine French-milled soap to wash out their dirty mouths.
--Oliver North
...when a man who runs for president deliberately uses the f-word in an interview with a national magazine, it is cause for concern. Nearly all non-liberals and even some liberals would regard such a person as one who has a different understanding of what preserves our civilization.
If you are a Democrat and it troubles you that...Senator Kerry uses the f-word in a magazine interview, you might want to reconsider your party affiliation. The Democratic Party has earned a reputation as a poor defender of our civilization against external threats. In fact, it has become a poor defender of our civilization.
--Dennis Prager
People are registering shock at Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's profanity in an interview for Rolling Stone magazine. But why should this shock anyone? In recent times, crudeness has virtually become a rite of passage for Democratic presidential candidates (and presidents).
--David Limbaugh
That's beneath John Kerry. I'm very disappointed that he would use that kind of language. I'm hoping that he's apologizing at least to himself, because that's not the John Kerry that I know
--Andrew Card
...another sign of desperation from a dying campaign.
--Michael Medved
Certainly Mr. Kerry set a new low for American presidential contests when he used the F-word in regards to Mr. Bush in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine.
True Father's Washington Times
I'm sure these same godly men will rebuke Deputy Cheney with just as much fervor.
BTW, have you written your letter to Deputy Leader's Lebanese daughter, yet. Col. Cleetus says she has sex with other women, but that just shows you how ignorant he is--ladies don't have "little soldiers."
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