I'm sure that's all it is, but for the sake of argument, let's suppose that Lambert's dirty little innuendo has some basis in truth and Our Leader is putting his little soldier in people's mouths. It's excusable. After all, we're talking about the commander of the men who found Saddam bin Laden hiding in a spider hole. That's a lifetime get out of jail card as far as I'm concerned.
Perhaps Laura isn't submitting to Him. That's more of a concern to me than what The Chosen One might be doing on a mandate. It would mean that He's not the master of his household.
I expected Laura to be a more traditional, biblical-style wife. She doesn't work. She took her husband's name without hyphenating it, yet, like so many modern women, she apparently refuses to completely submit.
Taking the last name is important--look at Hitlery and that Heinz woman. But perhaps it's not enough in this day and age when Oprah wields so much influence on our women folk. Our Leader should take it to the next step and change Laura's name to Ofgeorge and we should all follow suit. It'll prepare our wives psychologically for the many changes which will soon be brought about by the Scalia Court.
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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.