Boycott Coke
Dear Rev. Swann,

In your letter to Warren Buffet, a Coke boardmember, you wrote that you "had no intention of becoming a Heritage nut." I know just what you mean. Too often, good Confederate Christian men like ourselves are tarred by the actions of some of the crazier elements in our movement. We need to do everything we can do distance ourselves from them.
That's why I was so happy to see some of your other writings on heritage web sites and usenet. I think these screeds do an excellent job of telling the world what we're really about. Your Dragonslayers article at the Georgia Heritage Coalition is an excellent example of this. In it, you write the best defense of the old Ku Klux Klan I've ever seen, and the part where you said that the new KKK is a "shining example of sainthood compared to the SPLC [Southern Poverty Law Center]" was absolutely inspired. It was every bit as good as your defense of slavery on usenet--the one in which you are quoted as writing, "God never addresses slavery, neither does Jesus, this then becomes one of the matters of 'free will'." I couldn't have said it better.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
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