Robert Willits
Jackson-George [Mississippi] Regional Library System
Mr. Willits,

Although your
banning of John Stewart's tome,
America (The Book), is to be commended, many other indecent books remain on your shelves. For instance,
Sister Wendy's Book of Saints, which is
available at your East Central Branch, is filled with depictions of unclothed saints and, God forgive us, naked Lords Jesus. One painting, Del Sarto's
Virgin with Child and Saints, is particularly offensive because the Savior's little redeemer can clearly be seen. Worse yet, the artist, who is obviously trying to promote the liberal notion of a weak, effeminate Jesus, paints a picture of a flaccid Messiah. That's the kind of blasphemy that prompted the smiting of whole nations in ancient times.
Some might argue that as works of art, such paintings should be exempt from the censor's knife. The same argument could be made for Stewart's satiric art (It is art, because it prompts reflection on the part of the consumer). I disagree. All nudity must be banned regardless of whether it qualifies as art. Otherwise, we will find ourselves sliding headlong down moral relativism's slippery slope.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
Helmet tip:
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