The 700 Club
Dear Pastor Robertson,

It's true. According to RRRGroup [via Blondesense], accounts of alien abductions are filled with tales of homosexual assault. Aliens, it seems, can't kidnap an Earthman without masturbating him and assaulting him with anal probes. Indeed, they treat us as if we're nothing more than prisoners captured in The Eternal War to Resubjugate Brown People.
One has to wonder if they've moved beyond simple abduction and rape. Recent events would suggest that they are now impersonating prominent conservatives. How else can we explain the revelations about Jim West, Paul Crouch, David Dreier, Matt Drudge, Jeff Gannon, Ken Mehlman, Ed Schrock, Arthur Finkelstein, and others? These were men who were renowned for their ferocity in persecuting homosexuals, yet now we learn that they are friends of Dorothy.
We need to stop them before they completely take over. Please pray for a hurricane to come in and destroy the next Bohemian Grove Summer Encampment.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.