Creation Truth Foundation, Inc.
Dear Dr. Sharp,

It's a good strategy, but I'm worried that you're ignoring the part of the debate that poses the greatest threat to our children. I'm referring to evolutionary psychology. It's used as the basis for justifying all sorts of deviant sexual practices.
One only has to see how the Darwinists gush about the filthy immorality of the bonobo to understand just how wicked their empirically-based theories truly are. They point to these beasts' disgusting behavior as an example of how sin is hard-wired in what they call our "closest relatives". To the Darwinists, such wicked practices as homosexuality, prostitution, penis fencing, and masturbation are "natural," simply because the bonobo gets his jollies by performing them.
You need to counter their arguments by rebuking the bonobo's immorality every time you speak. Perhaps, you could discipline a stuffed bonobo during your presentation. Yes, I think that's the solution. You could furiously spank that monkey while shouting out its various sins. That'd show the children that God will not allow any sin to go unpunished--even if the sinner is not made in His image.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.