Chair, Young Republican National Committee

One of the things I like best about you is how you so carefully manage every detail. The menu you chose for Saturday's awards banquet is a perfect example of this. Your choice of Carrots Vichy was absolutely inspired. Its addition to the menu serves as a reminder to your membership that they should bring the Young Republican ethic into everything they do. It does so subtly, in a way that the addition of Potatoes ala Sturmtruppen or Reichskabbage Surprise couldn't accomplish. For that, I salute you.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
Note: I've forgotten who alerted me to this. Send me an email and I'll credit you.
Elsewhere: Monsieur Driftglass doesn't show proper respect to Chairman Taylor
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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.