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Monday, October 31, 2005

A victory against sexual terrorism

Dan Brutocao
Co-Chair, Washington College Republican Federation
President, Gonzaga College Republicans

Dear Chairman Brutocao,

I was very disappointed with your failure to support me when I was expelled from the Protest Warriors' Inland Empire Chapter. Although I now understand that Operation Integrity would have changed our mission, I don't think I deserved expulsion for proposing it. All we needed to do was remove the part of the plan that called for us to sign up for military service. We could have still held the rally and denounced our internal enemies.

Last week, that disappointment turned into respect after I read about your confrontation with Gonzaga's homosexual fifth column. Changing the title of Dr. John Diggs' campus speech from "The Medical Effects of Homosexuality" to "The Medical Effects of Homo-Sex" was a masterstroke. By using the slur, "Homo-Sex," you immediately put these sexual terrorists in their place, reminding them that they'll never achieve true personhood in the traditional conservative society we're building.

Like you, I prefer the term, "homo-sex," to "homosexuality." I'd like to see it go into wider use. As a Catholic university, I'm sure Gonzaga could help by convincing the Pope to use it. That shouldn't be too hard to accomplish. From what I've read about Benedict XI, it's pretty clear that he prefers "homo-sex" as well.

Heterosexually yours,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot

Clarification: Mr. Brutocao is concerned that readers might misunderstand the caption I used for his picture, "prefers 'homo-sex,'" and think that he is a homosexual. Indeed, he says he received many emails asserting that very thing. Although, I believe it was obvious to anyone reading the article that the caption referred to his preference for the term "homo-sex" over the term "homosexuality," I understand his concern.

It's important to people like me and Mr. Brutocao that people understand that we are heterosexual. That's why I spend so much time thinking about the sin of homosexuality and ways to defeat it. I suspect the same is true for Mr. Brutocao. After all, with all of the serious problems our nation faces--things like the war against Christmas, the persecution of officials who betray CIA agents for Our Leader's political benefit, and the public's inability to understand the crucial role graft and corruption play in free market systems--Mr. Brutocao believes that the students of Gonzaga need to hear about the perils of homo-sex.

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