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Friday, April 03, 2009

Wolverines! Resist Obama's Electricity!

From WorldNetDaily where Joseph Farrah is still denying he's the gay.


  1. Oh, wait, is that why they shut off my electricity? I was sending my checks to PPL instead of Obama- silly me!

  2. It's all part of the gay agenda, general. You see, Obama's electricity is AC, while real American electricity is DC. Or is the other way around? Dammit, this is just like the earring thing. Left is right? Right is right? Aargh.

  3. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Obama’s electricity is soooo gay!

  4. Once again, we rue the day that a powerful, well-connected energy industry mouthpiece like Obama took office.

    Mark my words, we'll be seeing four dollar a gallon gasoline.

  5. Wait a minute, I thought solar panels were gaiiii, Al Gore is fat, and the best way to protest gaiii ideas like Earth Hour is to run up your own electric bill.

    I hate it when there are competing wackadoodle narratives. It makes it so hard to know which glass of Kool Aid to drink.

  6. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Oh, Gen’rul, my Gen’rul. Get a loada this: “President” Barack-Dhimi-Hussein-Black-Panther-Party-William-Ayers-Loving-Domestic-Terrorist Obama salaam-ing to that nasty King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.

    I mean, couldn’t he have just French-kissed him, the way George Bush did?

    Man the ramparts! Get Michelle Malkin on the Bat Phone! Somebody refill Limbaugh’s ’scrip! To arms! To arms!

  7. Dave, just make sure you man the ramparts and don't ram the man parts. Because the latter sounds so "Bush"...

  8. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Bukko: Ouch!

  9. General, Sir:

    I'm doing my bit by wiring up my manquipment to a used WWII U.S. Army field telephone. When that puppy rings, you sure will listen. Oh, wait this was about something else entirely, wasn't it? My bad.

  10. Hamsters! HAMSTERS! Oh wait, that's kind of gay, isn't it?

  11. Anonymous12:46 AM

    What would happen if someone invented something that actually made solar energy able to replace petroleum as our main energy source? Would it be the oil companies that would assassinate that person, or someone else?


We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.