Yes, Cold Warrior Chic is now all the rage. It's everywhere from the Washington Times, "The protesters by and large are Communists," to RedState/CNN's Erik Erikson, "Most Of The Common Ground With Most Of These Damn Dirty Communists Is Superficial," Rep. Alan West, "the American Communist Party are also starting to align themselves with this Occupy movement," and Glenn Beck, "They are communists."
But, unfortunately, McCarthy era nostalgia hasn't expanded to wholesale condemnations of beatniks. No one, as yet, has noted any of the ties radical socialist centrist Obama has to the beat movement, ties like:
- Obama is following all of the strategies & tactics found in Kerouac's "On the Road."
- The Moroccan birth certificate signed by William Burroughs.
- Obama's biography, "Dreams from My Father," was ghostwritten by Alan Ginsberg--how could they miss all those references to "Moloch?"
- The strange passage from Kerouac's unpublished novel "Hopping Freight," in which he writes: "While waiting for Dean, I traded baby Barack to a Hawaiian cat for some scag and a pint of Everclear. It was cool. He said I could see the kid anytime."
- Why Obama never mentions Lawrence Ferlinghetti in his speeches. What is he hiding?

A tip of the ol' helmet to @dirtycommie for making the Ferlinghetti-Obama connection.
*No apologies to that milkman wannabe.
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