Sister Dancing begins her video with a refresher course on the slur so favored by her ancestors' oppressors.
There were words the upper class used to keep those lower beings in line, and check those who’d forgotten their place. One of these words seemed more effective than the others.She then compares it to the favored slur of today's greatest class of oppressors, the sick, twisted promoters of gender equality:
That was what they were, after all.
Niggers weren’t the same as human beings. They were legally and socially less than the privileged class. Niggers could be harmed and the police probably wouldn’t help them. Niggers were subject to vigilante justice.
I see an entire class of people who can be harmed by a member of a privileged class and there is no help for them. They can be legally abused and everyone looks the other way. There are those members of the lower class who try to make themselves as useful to their superiors as possible or keep their heads down unless spoken to and then he’d better say what ever pleases his superior, that is the safest way to behave.Thank God, someone is finally standing up for those who recognize their mothers, wives, and daughters for the vile jezebels they are.
I hear the privileged use a few words to try and keep the troublemakers in line. One seems to be a particular favorite.
Misogynists aren’t the same as other human beings. You don’t have to listen to anything a misogynist says. They aren’t allowed the same rights as everyone else. Debate with the superiors? Pfft, what for? They are just a bunch of angry misogynists after all.
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