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Monday, February 11, 2013

Obamunists Take Up Commie Custom of Kissing

Laura Wood, The Thinking Housewife, watched all that Interior pecking during Obama's Sally Jewell announcement and asked, "When Did Political Figures Start Kissing Each Other?" One of her readers provides an answer:
I’ve also noticed this creepily excessive hugging and kissing among politicians, but Democrats engage in it more frequently than Republicans. Its inconsistency with their speech and sexual harassment codes leads me to believe that it’s another of their self-congratulatory rituals of mutual identification, saying, “See, a dirty conservative can’t kiss and hug except as the prelude to sexual conquest; but we enlightened liberals can touch each other’s bodies in a loving, but non-sexual way.”

...It won’t be long before American politicians will be greeting each other as Khrushchev greeted Yuri Gagarin.