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Sunday, May 30, 2004

A solution to rising deficits

Dear Rep. Myrick,

As a one-time supporter of the balanced budget constitutional amendment, I'm sure you share my concern about our rising deficit. I have an idea about how we might solve this problem.

Amway is the key. Being an Amway distributor yourself, you know the power of multi-level marketing. It's made many people rich beyond their wildest dreams. Now, it's time to give America the same opportunity to do the same.

Think about it. We could require every government employee to be America's downline distributor. They, in turn, could build their own downlines by recruiting the citizens they serve in their governmental duties. Just think how many Halliburton employees you could recruit in your own day-to-day work as a Congressperson. America would become a double-diamond in no time.

Special product lines could be created to increase our nations sales. I'm thinking about things like flack vests and armor kits for Humvees. Just imagine how quickly all of our soldiers in Iraq would be outfitted with these items if their loved ones needed only to call their nearest Amway distributor. That's the beauty of capitalism.

As the chair of the conservative caucus, you can make this work. I'd be glad to help you in any way I can.

Heterosexually yours,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot

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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.