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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Will Ira Glass be fired by the Heartland-Hating Elitists Who Run Public Radio?

National Public Radio is working hard to shed its liberal, elitist image. It's why they interview more conservatives than liberals on their shows. But sometimes NPR slips up and we learn what they really think about the Heartland and our values. That happened this week on This American Life. At about 44:45 minutes into the show, Ira Glass says:
Laura grabs a hen and waves it at the flaccid cock. The cock does not rise. I can say that on the radio, right?
Did you catch that last part, the part about whether it's OK to say that on the radio? Obviously, Mr. Glass is worried that he may have broken an NPR rule about discussing chickens. Apparently, the elitists at NPR are too hoity-toity to allow anyone to mention something as Heartlandy as poultry motivation techniques on their fancy radio shows.

I wonder what David Brooks has to say about that.

Here's the audio: