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Friday, January 14, 2005

On Red Cross rogering and righteous exploitation

How is the Red Cross subverting our children's morals? I write about it at TAS.

And now for something completely different

I hope none of my readers will support the United Farm Workers by taking advantage of the great discounts they're offering at their store. My inner Frenchman owns one of the Caesar Chavez posters, and I'm sickened whenever I see it. Don't people realize how much it hurts agribusiness CEO's when they have to spend money to get the farmworkers out of the fields before the cropdusters drop their pesticides?

And while I'm discussing the righteous exploitation of the impoverished, workers at Snokist walked off the job last September when many were forced to re-apply for their cannery jobs at wages one-third lower than their previous sub-living pay rate. Our brothers and sisters on the Snokist Board of Directors now have these people just where they want them: hungry and destitute. I hope that none of my readers undermine the corporation's position by helping out the Western Council Of Industrial Workers or the Yakima Valley Peace Advocates Network Snokist efforts.