Oklahoma House of Representatives
Dear Rep. Kern,

I'm referring to the placement of inappropriate sexual material in books that most of us believe are beyond reproach. In one such book, you'll find stories about daughters who get their father drunk so that they can have sex with him, fathers who turn their daughters over to rapists, descriptions of men's "little soldiers" as being as big as donkey units, and homosexual love poems.
I'm talking about our Holy Bible. It really shouldn't surprise us. After all, these things were originally put in the Bible by the Catholic Church, and as real Christians like us know, the Roman Church is the Whore of Babylon.
You can do something about it. Please amend your resolution so that it requires that the Old Testament be kept in the adult section with King and King. I think the New Testament is OK. Dr. Dobson's silence in regard to the Jeff Gannon controversy signaled us that harlotry is now acceptable, and that's about all you'll find in the Gospels and Epistles. I don't anyone would miss the Old Testament--it's far too New York City ethnic for most peoples tastes--I'm sure you know what I mean.
Of course, some parts of the OT aren't fit to be seen by anyone and should be removed entirely before it's placed in the adult section. I'm referring specifically to Ezekiel 23:20, the verse about men with donkey-sized units. It's harmful to a man's psyche. We can't help but feel inadequate when we read something like that. That's especially true these days when feminists are actively trying to promote domestic dissatisfaction by encouraging the myth that most men are endowed with huge "little soldiers," some even as big a "c" battery.
Please do what you can.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot