Help Me Reach 12 on the Manly Scale of Absolute Gender

If you like the patriotic work we're doing, please consider donating a few dollars. We could use it. (if asked for my email, use "")

Friday, June 17, 2005


Objective: To motivate the College Republicans to vigorously defend the vital work they're doing defending the homefront by holding affirmative action bake sales, immigrant hunts, and subsidizing the Scaife funding of Ann Coulter, David Horowitz, and Michelle Malkin (see post below for more detail).

Method: Challenge the College Republicans to volunteer to fight in the war they demanded.

Mode: Nonviolent Leaderless Creative Expression

Target: 56th College Republican Biennial Convention
June 24-26, 2005
Crystal Gateway Marriott
Arlington, Virginia

Deployment: Red team, Metro Washington DC; Blue Team, nation-wide.

Weaponry: Flyers, posters, stickers, video cameras, video cameras, still cameras, digital communications, humor, irony, creativity.

Idea clearinghouse

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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.