American Family Association
Dear Mr. Sharp,
I'll admit that I found Walgreens' support the Gay Games confusing when I first heard about it. I couldn't figure out why such a traditionally-minded company would sully its reputation by embracing tolerance. Thanks to your column at Agape Press, I now understand. Their motives are obvious:
This is where Walgreens' profiteers put their heads together to insure they get their piece of the pie.
No doubt large numbers of gays will become exposed to HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. A glance at online pictures from past Gay Games' nightlife is a clear indication that the party scene is designed for "hooking up," with casual and anonymous sex in mind.
Walgreens must be salivating at the prospect of new customers this will create.
And how better to become the official "drug dealer" of the Gay Games, than to donate $100,000 and become the top sponsor for incredible exposure? It's a brilliant marketing investment!
I imagine the sales pitch in Walgreens' corporate board room went something like this: "We know people are going to be spreading communicable diseases and a lot of them will eventually become very sick. If we show support for gays now, we stand to reap a ton of business in the not-too-distant future. Let's call it 'Walgreens' HIV/AIDS Awareness' so they'll think of us first when they need drugs."
If you think about it, Walgreens isn't the only retailer guilty of this type of thing. Take Wal-Mart for instance. Obviously, the only reason they hold their annual St. Patricks Day promotion is so that they can sell liquor and brass knuckles to the Irish. The same goes for Target and Columbus Day. They don't really care about the holiday, they only celebrate it so that they can sell more condoms to Italians.
Perhaps you should target these stores too.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot