When the General is away on one of his reconnaissance missions I am humbled that, for a minute, I get to lead the troops astray. I have thought long and hard as how best to show my appreciation for these opportunities. What does one get for a man so revered, so blindly followed? He is a writer so perhaps some tools of that trade? Quills are for the effete and namby pamby. He seems to have an unlimited supply of foolscap so that's out. I can’t find my invisible ink, which would have been perfect.
Huzzah! Says I. What would delight the General and Ofjoshua more than items that might have saved them from having to flee hearth and home? So, instead of my usual tithe of Crisco for him and a new Union Suit for her, I'm thrilled to give them these gift certificates that will allow them to safely return to the bunker.
Due to some 'unfortunate' incidents last week, I'm not allowed to have anyone over.