[Sung to the tune of Sixteen Military Wives by the Decembrists]
Twenty-two potential indictments
Thirty-two softly focused brightly colored lights
Bouncing off the glare of some very unnatural looking tans
of forty-four gently clenching wrinkled little hands
Bush administration cronies
Out of which only Jeebus knows how many will make it back again
Fitzgerald sends a letter to two, three, four . . . ?
Republican politicians and reporters, whose tears drip down through forty-four little eyes
Slap their hands with their Bibles
Cause America won't say so to treason
And America does, if America says it's no
It's no!
And the bloggers on the internets go...
Have you ever seen so many corrupt liars?
Twenty-two twisted minds
Leading their twenty-two sordid wretched checkered lives
Will they find a fall guy in time
Using their twenty-two pristine conservative kool-aid powered minds?
twenty-two falling leaders
Out of which only seven really even maybe care
Doling out the garland to five
Political minds, they're humbly taken quite by surprise
Slap their hands with their Bibles
Cause America won't say so to treason
And America does, if America says it's no
It's no!
And the bloggers on the internets go...
Have you ever seen so many corrupt liars?
Why did Judy just win an award?
twenty-two cannibalistic political hacks
Wondering blindly how to divert the attack
forty-four quickly darting eyes
Served on a leafy bed is the eldest and most expendable
Slap their hands with their Bibles
Cause America won't say so to treason
And America does, if America says it's no
It's no!
And the bloggers on the internets go . . .
Impeach, jail, and remove!
Impeach, jail, and remove!
[Thanks to Atrios for the inspiration!]
It's been fun, all y'all! Welcome back, General, Sir!