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Thursday, November 03, 2005

Editorials Damage the Republic

Dear Alice Springs,

I saw your letter to the editor in the Tri-City Herald this week and I cannot agree with you more. Newspaper and television media have continually stepped over the line by endorsing and making recommendations to voters for far too long. Obviously they do not represent the people they offer those opinions to, and now is the time to take action. And as you wrote, recommending who or what people vote for is crossing the line.

Recommendations: Doesn't like them

Published Wednesday, November 2nd, 2005

I do not think it is appropriate for The Herald to recommend how anyone votes! The recommendation of how to vote on Initiative 901 is the most recent unprofessional writing. A newspaper is supposed to report the news in an impartial manner. The Tri-City Herald actually went so far as to recommend who people should vote for president recently! The Herald needs to keep its views to itself and report the news.


Consider all the advances that have been made in North Korea where state run media reports to the general public only what is important to them. Having state run media simplifies things for the average citizen allowing them to concentrate on the tasks at hand and shields them from subversive influences that could provoke thought on the world around them.

You can take action! Organizations such as Richland Baptist Church (in your hometown) are a great outlet to further this cause. And by all means, continue to write those letters to the editor to the Tri-City Herald's "Opinion" page. When you can no longer do so, God willing, you will have succeeded in bringing an end to this wretched idealist plot.

God Bless,

Commander McCranium - East Side Covert Operations

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