RE: Fake Alito Profile on Google
Pulling shit like this is what causes us to lose Presidential elections -- we haven't won a Presidential election in almost a decade. In addition, without winning elections, we can't nominate our OWN to the Supreme Court. Nice going, jerkoff.
As the commander of the Red Guard of the Glorious Conservative Christian Cultural Revolution, I'd like to take full credit for destroying the Democratic Party, but the Jivester is equally responsible. This post alone (not work safe in Utah or Kansas) will cost the Democrats at least 20 congressional seats in 2006 and put an end of Roe v. Wade.
Why can't we get some of that Abramoff money?
And as long as I'm posting responses to the Alito profile...
From: "Larry Reilly"
Subject: You're a fucking idiot
See subject
Subject: Samuel Alito: I want your briefs
You are one sick son of a bitch!
Subject: Samuel Alito: I want your briefs
I can't believe anyone of sane mind would post something as sick as this is!
Redemption: I gave Cairo the Boxer 11 biscuits.