Others have suggested that a subset of commenters at a specific site be given the award. There was, for instance, a suggestion that the award go to the "non-French commenters" at The General's place.
Perhaps that would be the manly thing to do but the conditions of contest require that the award go to a specific individual.
"Rules" Dwight? We don't need no stinking rules.
Our Leader didn't get where he is today by following rules. If he worried about such things, he wouldn't be President; we wouldn't be fighting the Iraq Phase of the Eternal War to Resubjugate Brown People; we wouldn't be applying pain that is slightly less than equivalent to that experienced during organ failure to kidnapped goat herders; the Counter Intelligence Field Activity wouldn't be reading my blog; John Bolton wouldn't be listening in on Bill Richardson's phone calls; and Jose Padilla wouldn't have been jailed for two years before being charged.
Breaking rules made America what it is today. Why does Dwight hate America?
As for the General's commenters, there isn't an award big enough to honor them appropriately. They are the best there is, and I challenge anyone who claims otherwise to wrestle me in the ancient manner of our Spartan forbearers. That'll teach 'em.