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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

He may not be an Islamunist, but he's still brown

Michelle Malkin
Our Lady of the Concentration Camps

Dear Mrs. Malkin,

As much as I enjoyed the "murderous Muslim" angle you employed in your coverage of Friday's shootings at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, I'm a bit worried that'll it will backfire once the public learns that the shooter is actually a fundamentalist Christian. After all, your whole argument is based on the idea that he attacked the center because Islam is an inherently violent religion. Now that he's been identified as a Christian, it'd be easy for some truly evil bastard like Glenn Greenwald* to turn that argument around and use it against us.

It's not too late to work your way out of this rhetorical mess. Naveed Haq may not be a Muslim, but he's still brown. Just shift your focus to his skin color. I doubt anyone will notice the change--it's not like you have a reputation for tolerating the swarthy. Hell, you hate them with a passion I haven't seen since Roy Cohn went after homosexuals.

Heterosexually yours,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot

*I could have picked any Frenchman. Indeed, Skippy and Norbizness sprang to mind immediately as I wrote that sentence. But Instapundit can't resist linking to anyone who attacks Greenwald, and I want a link from him. Does that make me a whore? Perhaps so, but if it does, then I'm a whore for the Glorious Conservative Christian Cultural Revolution. That's a good thing.