The Confederate Wankee
Dear Mr. Owens,

Of course there are those who will fail to see your genius and will refer to you using word combinations like "delusional douchebag," "fucking nut job," and "Michelle Malkin." Pay them no mind. They are simply trying to distract you from examining the photo more closely. They're hoping you will miss the other areas of the photo where there is obvious tampering.
Look at the woman below Our Leader for example. Obviously, her face has been replaced with Mel Martinez's. And the woman on the right looks suspiciously like Junior Leader Jeb. And what about that suspicious bulge poking out from Leader woman's back? Could it be that Reuters photoshopped a burqa fold to hide Saddam's weapons of mass destruction. That deserves further inspection, but I'll leave it to you since it requires someone with your imagination.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot

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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.