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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A few words about the Weblog Awards

My inner Frenchman stepping in.

I tend to generally agree with what Monsieur Gilliard says about the Weblog Awards. They're meaningless. That's why I have fun screwing with them. Still, I am competitive and vain enough that I wouldn't want to be embarrassed, hence the graphics at the top and bottom of the page.

I am more than a little embarrassed to be put in the Best Liberal Blog category this year. I don't feel like JG is a typical liberal blog and it angers me that the committee put me there while overlooking truly great liberal blogs and bloggers like Glenn Greenwald, Billmon (who, sadly, is on another sabbatical), Orcinus, firedoglake, Ezra Klein, and C&L. I shouldn't be there, and I certainly shouldn't have more votes than Pandagon or Shakesphere's Sister or any of the others. Good God, I'm nipping at Atrios' heels. How screwed up is that? I am glad to see Digby doing so well. He deserves it.

I think the committee put me in that category as payback for the fun we had nominating JG for Best Conservative Blog. As far as I know, I received only one nomination in the liberal category, and that came from the a conservative who fancies himself to be a pirate--he was angry about all the nominations I received in the conservative category.

One of the most ironic things about the Weblogs is that the committees, whose members are mostly conservative (Wizbang is behind it and since most of the early promotion of the annual event occurs there, the universe of applicants certainly tilts to the right) are so loathe to put liberals into the finals, they usually only place one or two in each category, thus concentrating the liberal vote.

I think it'd be fun to take advantage of that again this year, and I hope you'll join me in ensuring that someone like The Moderate Voice beats Ann Althouse in the Best Centrist Blog category.

And you might also consider:

In Search of Utopia over the let's bomb the hell out of Cuba/Venezuela/Oaxaca crowd.

And, of course Greenwald and Majiktise for best individual blog.

Do I even have to say anything about the race between Crooks and Liars and Our Lady of The Concentration Camps' video blog?

I haven't seen any of the new blogs before now except Biggus Dickus's Blue Crab Boulevard. I hope WIMN'S Voices kicks his ass. They'll need a lot of help to do it.

Street Prophets and Kos for Best Online Community. (Should I look into going with Scoop so you can all do diaries?)

Kos over Little Green Racists.

Sadly No looks like a shoe-in for the award I won last year, but Jon Swift could use your help. A one-two finish would be great.

I like Raw Story but Walcott also deserves some love.

Voting for Balkinization is a no-brainer considering its Gilbertarian opposition.

Gay Patriot? You have to be kidding. Pam's House Blend and Towel Road would make another great one-two combination. The fact that neither Americablog or BlogActive are listed is the best evidence yet that I'm right about the committees.

Let's keep Bérubé and his e-thingies on top of the Best Educational Blog category.

The Bad Astronomer needs help overcoming Pharyngula's tentacles for another one-two punch. Where's the The Disgruntled Chemist?

For whom should we vote to beat Confederate Wankee and Floppy Asses?

Orcinus, Talk Left, and Feministe should place first second and third (and they all should have replaced me in the Best Liberal Blog category).

And let's help out Blue Gal.

Don't forget to vote every day.

Elsewhere: The Poorman's Golden Winger nominations are now open.

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