Patriot Acts, by Greg Rucka (Bantam Books, $25.00)
Over at the day job, I got to hang with one of my favorite-est authors. Greg Rucka.
When I first picked up Keeper, I was blown away: a book that addressed the "Abortion Issue" head-on and totally got it. And it was written by a MALE. Who, from the author picture, looked really young. Yeah, he was and he lived in Portland OR and was happy to travel up to sign for us. Thus began a beautiful friendship.
The excellent thing about opening up books and shoving them in front of authors, is I get to eavesdrop, and hear it all. Greg spoke passionately about gender issues and women's voices. I've always been impressed by the powerful women in his novels.
Patriot Acts is the latest installment in the Atticus Kodiak series and the most powerful and personal to date. The story arc is brought around full circle and then turned onto it's side. Atticus is a bodyguard and Patriot Acts picks up right where Critical Space left off. Atticus and crew have been protecting Drama, once one of the world's top assassins, one of the Ten. A surprise attack leaves his best friend dead and he and Drama (now known as Alena) must track down this threat and prove they are not behind this international killing spree.
You really need to go back and start at the beginning, the series builds and you can see the growth of the author and also our turbulent times. But if you really can't wait, grab this one and hold on!
It was sometime after the first couple novels Danton pointed out that Greg was a GAWD in the comic book world. He was recently at the San Diego Comicon.
I love and recommend all things Greg:
Atticus Kodiac Series
Tara Chase, MI5 spy and reluctant assassin
And the masterpiece which I was honored to blurb-ho:
Fistful of Rain At the time I called Greg's book an obsessive read. That goes for all his novels.
Also: Greg has a movie deal! Whiteout is in production now. Let's all channel our thoughts towards distribution. Omm.
If you have a teen-aged reluctant reader, give them one of Greg's graphic novels, or start them on the books. They'll have no better guide in our world. I have several moms who will back me up on that.
Greg's books are available at Jackson Street Books and Fine Independent Bookstores everywhere.
democommie™™™™®© has a wide stance because of the back surgery people! C'mon give him a break! That toe tappin' was in time to the shutter release as he documented yet another ammurican ikon: the filthy airport urinal. This photo Exhibtiion is soon to be displayed at the Hirshorn. It was all for the Art. No overt friendliness intended.
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